Why lug your Bible to church when there's an app for that?

There are thousands of religious apps

PEMBROKE PARK, Fla. – You've all heard the phrase "There's an app for that." Well, it really does seem to be true for just about everything, especially when it comes to religion.  

Increasingly, technology is moving into worship services across the country and now some pastors and rabbis are encouraging people to take out their cell phones during service.

Instead of taking her bible to church, Talitha Haynes uses her iPad.

"Just to get a word or scripture to get you through the day is always good, kind of like a cup coffee," Haynes said.

According to Bible.com, the Holy Word has been downloaded over 65 million times.

And there are over 300 free versions of the Bible available for smartphones and tablets.

Haynes has two on her iPad and has one on her iPhone.

"You can highlight your favorite scripture, and if you want to go back and study that scripture, it's easy to find,"  she said.

And if you're preparing for your bar mitzvah, nothing beats studying with assistants, according to 12 year-old Cooper Tavss.

"It's easier because I am hearing my rabbi say words and all I have to do is copy him," Tavss said.

Craig Agranoff with Gripd.com says technology has moved into every sector of our life, including our spirituality.

"There will come a time when you go into some progressive churches, temples and places of worship and everyone will be using an electronic device because the institutions themselves can make their own apps," Agranoff said.

The IT industry is paying attention, generating more than $40 billion in software and services for religion.

It's a growing market as people try connect to their spiritual side.

"I think it is doing a world of good for anyone, people needing certain types of religious study, or just anyone who is trying to learn a passage," Agranoff said.

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