Local 10 News anchor Janine Stanwood makes appearance on 'Jimmy Kimmel Live'

Stanwood becomes part of Kimmel's latest prank from the Sochi Winter Olympics

PEMBROKE PARK, Fla. – Jimmy Kimmel's latest prank to go viral involved a wolf in the hallway of a dorm in Sochi for the Winter games.

Media outlets around the world reported on the scare for days until it was finally revealed that it was all a hoax.

So Local 10 news anchor, Janine Stanwood responded to the TV host's latest stint by saying, "He's at it again. Jimmy Kimmel has f***ed us this time all the way from Sochi." But Stanwood really didn't use that type of language. Someone sent in Stanwood's report for Kimmel's "unnecessary censorship" segment, where normal news stories and TV clips are censored, making them appear more scandalous than they really are.

It turns out Kimmel had a little help with his prank from Kate Hansen from the U.S. Olympic luge team. In the video, Hansen is pretending to hide behind a door while the wolf walks down the hallway. A man then comes out, decked in ski gear, asking if anyone's seen his wolf.

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