Trio of witnesses take stand in George Zimmerman trial

Friend of Trayvon Martin testifies in George Zimmerman trial

SANFORD, Fla. – A trio of witnesses took the stand in Day 4 of the George Zimmerman trial, all hearing something on the night Trayvon Martin was fatally shot.

The screams for help and sound of the gunshot that killed Trayvon Martin were played throughout the courtroom in Sanford, but Jenna Lauer, the woman who captured those moments on a 911 call, offered little guidance on the question plaguing this case.

Special section: George Zimmerman trial

A state witness, the defense advanced their argument of self-defense during cross examination.

Witness Selma Mora was very vocal about her opinions on the case, believing police were siding with George Zimmerman.

More than half of the day was focused on the state's key witness, the defense referring back to the three words that would rattle the racial underpinnings of this case.

Rachel Jeantel said that's how Martin described Zimmerman to her over the phone when the late teen spotted the Sanford neighborhood watch coordinator following him.

READ: Who is Rachel Jeantel?

In a case that prompted a national debate on race, a surprise statement was made Thursday afternoon by one of the Martin's family attorneys, Daryl Parks.

"To this family, race is not a part of this process," said Parks.

With Martin's parents by his side, he held firm to their belief Zimmerman was profiling Martin, only now taking race out of the storyline.

READ: Witnesses guide | Jurors guide