Police: Man buys Ultra tickets with counterfeit cash

Vincent Riddle charged with possession of forged notes, uttering forged bills, tampering with evidence

MIAMI BEACH, Fla. – Police arrested a man Friday accused of using $1,800 in counterfeit bills to buy two tickets to Ultra Music Festival.

Police charged Vincent Riddle with possession of forged notes, uttering forged bills, and tampering with evidence.

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According to an arrest affidavit, Riddle, 33, arranged to buy two tickets to the music festival from the victims on Craigslist.com. They met in the 7000 block of Bonita Drive about 12:15 a.m. Friday.

After negotiating, Riddle gave the victims $1,800 in cash for the tickets, and as the victims counted the money, he drove away, police say. The victims then realized the money was counterfeit and began chasing him.

Riddle pulled into a Miami Beach fire station at 6880 Indian Creek Drive, police say. The victims turned into the parking lot too fast and hit his car.

Riddle got out of his car, ran to the back of the fire station, and threw a wad of counterfeit $20 bills into the bay, police say.

Riddle reportedly told police he didn't know he had counterfeit bills and "accidentally dropped" $920 from his pocket when he walked away from where the cars crashed to "go pee," according to the arrest affidavit. He denied throwing the cash into the waterway.

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