Tonight's full moon is the first on the Summer Solstice since 1967

Look for a spectactular 'strawberry moon' shortly after sunset this evening

MIAMI – We're in for a celestial show tonight with full moon coinciding with the Summer Solstice for the first time since 1967.

The summer solstice is the northernmost sun for the year and has been celebrated by cultures around the world throughout history. It officially occurs at 6:34 p.m. EDT today and marks the longest day, and shortest night, of the year. Sunset tonight is 9:12 p.m.

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June's full moon is sometimes called the "strawberry moon," because it occurs during peak strawberry picking season. It's the one night a year the moon is in the sky the entire night, which means tonight's full moon will appear shortly after sunset and stay around until sunrise. 

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