9 ways to celebrate National Taco Day like a proper adult

Time to show this 'holiday' the respect it deserves

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Real talk: Thursday is National Taco Day, and we’ve been brainstorming ways to mark the occasion.

Do we suggest taco day deals and freebies? Well, maybe, but any huge nationwide promotions going on will likely be offered by the bigger, chain restaurants -- and that feels sacrilegious, to celebrate this day with a drive-through burrito.

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Do we suggest some margarita pairings? Well, we could, but we’re not culinary experts, and we think *most* margaritas pair well with *most* tacos, so maybe we’re the wrong people to ask, when it comes to specifics.

When it comes to Taco Day, you have to do it up right, and give this “holiday” the respect that it deserves. How exactly you’ll go about that, is up to you. But we’re going to provide nine ideas to get the creative juices flowing.

1.) Try out a new recipe.
I know, I know. Not exactly groundbreaking. But hey, Taco Day falls on a Thursday, meaning most people still have to work. It’s not like you can wipe your calendar clean and host an impromptu soiree (well, or can you? We’ll get to the party possibilities in a bit, if that's in the cards for you at all). Anyway, if you’re looking to upgrade your Thursday but you still have to pay bills, pick up your kids from school and go through all the motions of a normal workday … just make some tacos. They make for a fail-safe dinner, and we’ll even provide some recipe inspiration:
Tacos al Pastor (Bon Appetit)
Carne Asada Tacos (Aaron Sanchez for Food Network Magazine)
Queso Fundido Tacos (How Sweet Eats)

Photo: How Sweet Eats

2.) On the flip side, fall back on a classic recipe.
If you’re scoffing at the links above, provided for recipe inspiration, then it looks like said inspo wasn’t for you, anyway. If you’ve got some old family recipes that you know like the backside of your hand, or you’re known to blow away a crowd with your homemade guac, then why are you still reading this? Do what you do best and fall back on those favorites.

3.) Go out for lunch or dinner (or both).
Maybe there’s somewhere you’ve been dying to try, or maybe that taco stand down the street makes them JUST right. I trust your judgment here. Our only advice? Support local! And bring someone you love.

4.) Oh, you’re one of those people who actually could piece together an impromptu taco party? Then by all means … you’re hosting!
The sky is the absolute limit. You could order in if there’s somewhere that will let you place a small catering order at the last minute, or it might be fun to set up a taco bar with all the fixings, if you have time to run to the grocery store and get everything assembled in time. Don’t forget the chips! (And guac/queso/salsa, of course!)

5.) No matter if you order in, go out, make an old recipe or try something new, you could and should -- if you’re of legal age, of course -- add an appropriate beverage to accompany your tacos.
It is a "holiday," after all.

Corona with lime? A classic margarita? Your call, really. There are no wrong answers.

6.) Or perhaps there’s time to arrange a taco crawl?
We’re envisioning something similar to a bar crawl, but instead of drinking at each establishment, you eat a taco. Tell me that’s not the most fun Thursday you’ve ever imagined.

7.) We get it: Not everyone is an extroverted, taco-crawling, party-hosting type of person. So, perhaps you could take on a fun taco-related project.
Maybe you're already planning on making a festive dinner, but you’d rather stick with an old-reliable kind of recipe. We get it! But what separates this day from any other Thursday, we ask?

Seize the day, my friend. You could try your hand at homemade tortillas, or maybe even homemade salsa. No one’s saying you have to eat it all and finish it all today. These leftovers could take you right into the weekend (which, I’m pretty sure no one would complain about).

8.) If you’re not a very adventurous eater, or your idea of a taco involves something with bright orange cheese and copious amounts of sour cream, go find yourself something a little more authentic.
I know it’s hard to believe, but we’re not all taco connoisseurs. (Or well, if the concept doesn’t exist in your group of friends, just know that this person is out there).

Maybe you could pay it forward this Taco Day, and perhaps help a well-intentioned coworker branch out a bit. Show him the best taco spot in town, and offer a tip on exactly what to order. It’s an act of service, really. The taco gods will reward you.

9.) Are all these ideas boring, you taco snob, you?
We challenge you to turn every meal of the day into a taco. Breakfast tacos seem pretty standard, and lunch and dinner tacos are obvious too, but how about a dessert taco? Are you in, and ready to throw down some tacos for three or four meals of your day?

Tell us in the comments how you'll be ringing in the holiday!

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