Car accident injuries: What you need to know

If you're injured in a car accident there are certain steps you should take to help with your lawsuit later.

First of all, make sure you are OK. Seek medical treatment and then document any evidence of injuries you might have sustained.

If you're able, before you leave the scene of the accident try to get the names and contact information of any witnesses. Also try to take any pictures you can of the accident scene.

While getting treated for any injuries, make sure to submit the claims through your medical insurance. This will help when you try to get money for the treatment later.

After your initial treatment, record any symptoms you suffer. Also note if you missed any time from work.

Contact the other driver's insurance company and open a claim.

You should seek guidance from an attorney as soon as you are feeling up to it. Try to not talk to any insurance adjusters or anyone other than the police until you talk to your lawyer.

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