Chicken Lawsuit Heads To Court

Hollywood Couple Sues Over Neighbors' Chickens

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. – A Hollywood couple's lawsuit over their neighbors' 15 chickens headed to court Wednesday.

Grant and Sandra Einhorn filed a lawsuit against their neighbors, the Kohn family, asking a judge to have their noisy pet chickens taken away.

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The couple claims the birds wake them up, smell bad and escape into their yard and are a violation of Hollywood code.

"We are here today on an application for an injunction against chickens -- about 15 of them -- ducks, an unknown number of quacking ducks, and until March of 2011, there were goats," said Keith Silverstein, the Einhorns' attorney, in court Wednesday.

"What I need the court to see is that they perpetually have been doing things in a way that puts the defendants on the defensive in a way that completely deprives them of due process," said David Low, the Kohns' attorney.

A Hollywood code inspector spoke in court Wednesday.

"I made them aware of our ordinance that prohibits chickens in a residential neighborhood," said the inspector.

"When they're nesting, you hear them scratching up," said a neighbor.

"It smells like a farm," Sandra Einhorn said in court Wednesday. "It smells like chickens."

But the situation involves more than just chickens. The Einhorns shot video of Renee Kohn, which they say is evidence that she started harassing them and dancing outside their house after they filed the lawsuit.

The Kohns said they feel harassed and that their chickens are pets.

While the courtroom drama played out Wednesday, police officers and health inspectors showed up at the Kohns' house, taking photos.

The case is expected to last two days before a judge makes a decision.

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