Miami Beach prepares for Urban Weekend

Events expected to draw massive crowds

MIAMI BEACH, Fla. – Miami Beach city leaders have laid out a tentative place to deal with massive crowds during the Memorial Day weekend next month.

The list of proposals was presented to city commissioners by City Manager Jorge Gonzalez.

It includes closing off side-streets to visitors along Washington Avenue, Collins Avenue, Fifth Street and Alton Road. Officials want to keep traffic flowing in the heart of South Beach.

Miami Beach Police will also have the option of closing the eastbound lanes of the MacArthur Causeway if traffic gets out of control.

The department is also spending $1.5 million in overtime for off-duty officers.

City leaders are hoping to avoid a repeat of last year's Urban Beach Weekend when police shot and killed one man and wounded four others.

Officers say they were forced to open fire on a man when he tried to run over them with his car.

To read the entire report and recommendations for handling crowds during Urban Weekend, click here.

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