49 victims of Pulse shooting remembered with memorial service

Survivors, friends of victims gather at club

ORLANDO, Fla. – The song "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" played Monday night as a crowd  remembered with song to those who lost their lives at Pulse nightclub in Orlando.

Candles burned and 49 angels lined up outside the club to mark  the six months that have passed since gunman Omar Mateen killed 49 people inside the club during a June 12 massacre.

Mateen was eventually shot and killed by police.

"Somebody full of hate walks into a gun shop and buys whatever they want and then mows down 49 of your closest friends,"  Brandon Wolf, a survivor, said. "The only way to come back from that is to surround yourself with love."

Wolf and his boyfriend were at Pulse on the night of the shooting, along with another couple, Wolf's best friend Drew Leinonen and Juan Guerrero.  

"While we were in the bathroom is when the first round of shots started,” Wolf said.

The group decided to make a run for it.

Wolf said this part of the story doesn't get easier -- Leinonen and Guerrero never made it outside. 

"We didn't make it but halfway up this block before I realized that my best friend was still there," Wolf said through tears. "I'll never forget that."  

Angel Ayala decided to stay on that night in June--but several of her friends went to pulse--including Leroy Fernandez who was shot and killed.

"A lot of us are still healing," Ayala, said. "Sometimes I'm thankful I didn't come, sometimes I feel like I could have made a difference." 

Christopher Hansen was in the club and made it out.

Soon after news broke of the shooting a video of  Hansen and others helping carry people who had been shot away from the club surfaced. 

"I did what anybody, any person, should do and that's help others,” Hansen said. "It still feels it was yesterday, it's still fresh. But through all this we're sticking together. "

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