Who is Bill de Blasio, Democratic candidate for president?

Twice elected mayor of New York City, de Blasio aiming for White House

There might be some people who don’t know what ska is, but new presidential candidate Bill de Blasio will happily educate anyone who isn’t familiar. 

Ska is a music genre that combines elements of American jazz, rhythm and blues and elements of Caribbean mento.

It originated in Jamaica and is something de Blasio said he loves. 

If de Blasio has his way, he’ll be playing plenty of ska at his inauguration ball if he ends up being elected president.

The current mayor of New York City, de Blasio joined the packed field of Democratic candidates seeking the nomination when he announced he was running May 16.

De Blasio has served as mayor New York City since 2013, when he was elected in a landslide after previous Mayor Michael Bloomberg was term-limited.

De Blasio was reelected in 2017 in another lopsided victory. 

Click here to see more news about Bill de Blasio.


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About the Author

Keith is a member of Graham Media Group's Digital Content Team, which produces content for all the company's news websites.

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