Deputy, officer rescue bald eagle with broken wing in Gainesville

Bird is recovering at local wildlife sanctuary

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – A Gainesville police officer and an Alachua County sheriff's deputy teamed up Monday to rescue an injured bald eagle. 

"So, today I responded to a call about an injured Bald Eagle along side one of our back 'country' roads," Gainesville police Officer Bobby White said in a Facebook post. "I get there to find this guy about 10 yards into the woods. When he saw me, he tried to fly away, but couldn't due to a broken wing."

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The eagle fled from White, but luckily Alachua County sheriff's Deputy Greg Guzman arrived on the scene and was able to help White track down the bird.

"There is no doubt that if it weren't for deputy Guzman, there would be one less living American Bald Eagle," White said. "I literally would have lost sleep over this if I would have been forced to let him go into the woods to die."

The eagle is now recovering at Eye of the Eagle Wildlife Sanctuary, authorities said.

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