Great day for surfers, bad day for property owners along beach

Bulldozers clean up sand along A1A

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. – Bulldozers collecting sand went up and down A1A Monday afternoon, collecting sand that was dumped on the roadway by high winds off Hillsboro Beach.

High winds brought the tide closer to a retaining wall that is supposed to keep the beach from ending up on the street. Instead Sunday night, sand ended up all along A1A, halting traffic.

"When there was no wall, the sand would come over, but even like right now, sand is coming over, so this is only stopping so much sand," said one person taking photographs of the beach erosion.

Many surfers saw the high winds as a great day for catching a few waves.

"I'm from San Diego, so I just moved here and I didn't think I would get any surfing," said surfer Steve Jakobot. "It's a major treat. Aside from all the jellyfish, it's fun times."

Fort Lauderdale Ocean Rescue Chief Breck Ballou said the wind is causing some dangerous conditions, but they are prepared. Otherwise the beach is still beautiful and welcoming visitors.

"This is the narrowest part of our beach so it causes the most concern when water comes up," Ballou said. "Our lifeguard towers are good, other than that it's a beautiful day. We have red flags flying for strong rip currents because there's northeast winds so a very rough ocean."

Just south of the lighthouse in Pompano Beach, erosion pulled away sand from underneath patches of grass and retaining walls behind homes along the beach.

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