Gov. Rick Scott applauds job growth at Summit Aerospace in Miami

Company owners receive Governor's Business Ambassador Award

MIAMI – Gov. Rick Scott received a warm welcome at the Summit Aerospace in Miami Thursday, where he was given a tour of the large facility by several employees.

The company, which opened in 2001, provides in-house maintenance and supplies for large airlines and manufacturers, including Lockheed Martin, FedEx and Boeing.

Scott, along with Lt. Gov. Carlos Lopez-Cantera and Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez, praised the efforts of the employees and shared some exciting news about the company.

"Today, what we are celebrating, the success of Summit, and that they'll be adding 15 more employees by the end of the year," Scott said.

"We are the number one county in terms of job creation in the number one state, so we are very proud what we have done here in Miami-Dade County," Gimenez said.  

Besides announcing the new jobs, Scott also gave out the Governor's Business Ambassador Award to the two men who started the firm, Jorge Fernandez and Allan Jiron.

"Florida offers a cost competitive environment, favorable overall tax structure, no personal income tax and a superior quality of life, giving companies like Summit a competitive edge to companies in other states," Fernandez said. "We thank Gov. Scott for what he has done to help Summit compete in the global economy, for the benefit of our hard working 130 talented people, and as we continue to grow."

Summit Aerospace is currently ranked number one in Florida for aerospace manufacturing attractiveness by PricewaterhouseCoopers and number one for aircraft manufacturing workforce.

"Gov. Scott has created a pro-business climate in which we can effectively compete, grow, hire and promote talented people," Jiron said. "We are excited for the addition of 15 new employees and hope to create more jobs for Florida families. Not only is Florida a pro-business state, but it is also a very easy place to recruit talent, due to the low cost of living, beautiful weather and environment.  We look forward to continued success in Florida under Gov. Scott's leadership."

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Amanda Batchelor is the Digital Executive Producer for

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