
Jonathan Martin breaks silence

Lineman talks with Tony Dungy

MIAMI – For the first time since the bullying scandal, Jonathan Martin is telling his side of the story.

Martin sat down for an interview with NBC's Tony Dungy.

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Martin said, "I'm a grown man, I've been in locker rooms, there's vulgar language used in locker rooms.  One instance doesn't bother me.  It's the persistence of it.  I wish that I would've had more tools to solve my situation, you know.  I felt trapped like I didn't have a way to make it right.  It came to a point where I thought it was best to remove myself from the situation."

Owner Stephen Ross also addressed the Dolphins bullying scandal.

He said he does not know exactly what will be in the Wells report.

However, he does not expect a final answer until after the Super Bowl.

About the Author

David Lang is executive producer of the Local 10 sports department.

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