Miami-Dade man finally getting reimbursed for car destroyed in crane collapse

‘After the report on Channel 10, the company called me in 12 hours’

MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, Fla. – What a difference a few days can make.

For months, 76-year-old Carlos Perez couldn’t get answers or reimbursement for his car that was destroyed when a crane collapsed on it back in February in northeast Miami-Dade County.

He went months only getting the runaround from officials when trying to get reimbursed for his vehicle.

Last week, Perez was the subject of a Local 10 News story.

“After the report on Channel 10, the company called me in 12 hours and said, ‘Señor Carlos we pay you no problem,’” Perez said.

Now there is a smile on his face.

His daughter, who has been his advocate and lives in North Carolina, explained what happened.

“We did get communication from the adjuster representing the crane company,” she said. “They have now drafted a settlement. We hope to move forward. My dad gets a new car.”

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